Monday, November 17, 2014

Arrow Season 2 Coming Back Strong - Hot and Shirtless Posters Advertising

The Men of Arrow Season 2 Shirtless

We are only a little over a day away from the second season of Arrow and things are really picking up in Starling City. Please stay tuned if you are the fan of this tv show, Arrow Season Two will on air on 9 Oct 2013.  Finally, a promo and poster have come online for the new season which give an even better idea of The men of "Arrow" go shirless. Season 2 are hot and shirtless in new posters advertising the show on The CW. Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), Diggle (David Ramsey), Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) and Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett) all show off their ab-tastic beauty in dramatic photos. It's amazing. Sure, we're all used to Oliver taking off his shirt and exercising after Season 1. But it's a welcome and new experience to see all of the men of "Arrow" in such a state of undress. It is a gratuitous and shameless ploy to lure in viewers through sexiness. But really, who cares? First up in the photos, we of course have Oliver Queen, played by Stephen Amell.
The Men of Arrow Season 2 Shirtless
Viewers saw little of John Diggle (Ramsey) without his shirt in Season 1. This poster should fix that problem. As diggle, to be hero's assistant is not easy. Because the man like oliver, he always break the rule! Sometimes diggle can be oliver's guildance.
The Men of Arrow Season 2 Shirtless
My oh my! Delicious handsome boy! (and look at his ripped washboard abs!). Roy Harper (Haynes) hardly ever took off that red hoodie in his initial appearances on "Arrow." That was apparently a major loss to the world. In the season one, we barely see him, cause he dosen't has main role on the show. He's only oliver's sister's boyfriend who obsessed with arrow guy (if you ask why, I will not tell you because I don't like to spoil you).
The Men of Arrow Season 2 Shirtless
Finally, it only makes sense that the man who trained Oliver in the ways of butt-kicking hotness should look rather nice himself. New regular Manu Bennett's Slade Wilson makes up the fourth poster. I have to tell you, I love this guy more than oliver, because He's MY Type!!! Yes, because of his handsome manly face, he's military, and his habit and nature, he's look like the bad guys (that i love :) ). In season one we can only see him on the island flashback plot. I hope for more seeing him in season two in main plot. And he's the one who has promote poster, so I think he may has more role to play in season two, I hope.

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