Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Matt Schiemeier - Openly Gay Tattooed Model

 Matt Schiermeier
Matt Schiermeier from San Diego, a 5'10" 190lb 34 year old openly gay tattooed model who has graced the covers of such magazines as DNA and Instinct. Matt is an accomplished artist and designs all his own tattoos. The big difference between todays morning goods and yesterdays is that this guy has sex appeal. This guy is totally hot and has a flawless ass. Along with his boy friend Cameron Earnheart, Matt runs the website, Schiermeier & Earnheart, which supports HIV research. Beyond Matt and Camerons gorgeous looks they both have big hearts. They have passion for life, for one another, and for helping in the HIV/AIDS community. Through their website, they are giving back to the community.
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Matt Schiemeier - Underwear Male Model Matt Schiemeier - Openly Gay Tattooed Model Matt Schiemeier - Underwear Male Model
The real-life couple are doing much more than just showing off their gorgeous bodies. The pair discuss being in a serodiscordant relationship for seven years: Matt is positive and Cameron is negative.
 Matt Schiemeier - Underwear Male Model Matt Schiemeier - Underwear Male Model Matt Schiemeier - Underwear Male Model
Matt was diagnosed with HIV ten years ago. He talks about the waters he and his partner have had to, and continue to, navigate as one person is negative and the other is positive and how his "unfortunate choices" of the past have made him the man he is proud to be today. 

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