MILOS SARCEV, THE MAN WHO has competed in more pro bodybuilding shows than anyone in history (72 in a span of 12 years), knows a thing or two about mental toughness. He’s also come back from a devastating knee injury in 2002. Workouts like this show he has no intentions of letting up. >> Warm up is key. “I alway begin my leg workout with 10 minutes of cardio, then I move to leg extensions to further warm up my muscles,” Milos says. >> Change is good, he adds. “It’s insanity to do the same thing over and over and expect results. Change your routine often to keep making progress.”
#5 |
Unilateral Leg Extension
15, 12, 10
Barbell Squat | 5* | 10, 10, 8, 6, 5 |
Unilateral Leg Press (or) Leg Press (both legs)** | 3 3 | 10, 10, 8 10 |
Hack Squat*** | 3 | 10 |
* The first two sets are warm-ups. ** Milos alternates weekly between unilateral and twolegged leg presses. For two-legged press description, see "Legs : Advanced Routine Shawn Ray". *** On unilateral leg press weeks, Milos does drop sets instead of straight-weight sets of hack squats. For hack squat description, see "Legs : Advanced Routine Shawn Ray".
UNILATERAL LEG EXTENSION START: Adjust the machine so your back and legs are fully supported. Hook both feet underneath the roller, but use only one at a time to lift the weight. MOVE: Inhale and slowly contract your working quad to lift the roller until your leg reaches full extension. Exhale and squeeze for one count at the top before slowly lowering to the start. Complete all reps on one leg before switching to the other.
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BARBELL SQUAT START: Balance a barbell across your traps and stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. MOVE: Keeping your head up and your shoulders back, squat down, kicking your hips behind you as if you were sitting in a chair. When your thighs reach parallel to the floor or slightly below, power back up to the start, stopping just short of locking your knees. (This move is also "Legs : 15-Minute Routine").
UNILATERAL LEG PRESS START: Place one foot high on the platform, keeping the other flat on the floor for stability, and unlock the handles. MOVE: Slowly lower the platform toward your body, keeping your foot flat and your back pressed into the seat until your knee comes close to touching your shoulder. Press back up forcefully and stop just before locking out your knee. Repeat for reps, then switch legs. “I see so many people doing 1,000-pound, one-inch leg presses,” Sarcev says. “That won’t help you develop anything but a big ego. [Use] a full range of motion.”
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‘‘If you finish this workout without being sick to your stomach, you didn’t do it right!” Milos says.
Source: One of the magazines of MUSCLE & FITNESS
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